as our gift of song
to you ♪

We invite you to listen
to a moving interpretation of
Flowers Don’t Bloom in Winter ~
Не цвітуть квітки зимою

Composer: Yakiv Stepovy
Poet: Oleksander Oles

Monica Whicher, soprano
Krisztina Szabó, mezzo-soprano
Albert Krywolt, piano

Oleksander Oles
Translation: Uliana Pasicznyk and
Maxim Tarnawsky

Flowers don’t bloom in winter
And trees don’t rustle...
Enshrouded in a mist,
They stand like corpses.
Could you, my flower, my country,
In this wintry historical age,
Flower and rustle
Beneath the drifts of snow?
The gulls don’t screech in winter,
The nightingales don’t sing—
Locked in the icy grip of frost
The lakes and gardens sleep.
Oh my land, my seagull, my nightingale,
Could you raise your voice in song
And march forward into the snowstorm
And lead others to do the same?
Time will pass, winter will pass,
Everything will awaken from its sleep
And songs of joy will rise to welcome
The rising sun and the coming spring.
How could you not, dear nightingale,
Raise your voice too in welcoming the sun?
How can I, how dare I
Ask you such a delicate question?

Melancholy. Time will pass, spring will come... Songs will sound again, but the composer dares not ask when. The song cycle ends with one of Stepovyi’s most haunting duets.

Олександер Олесь

Не цвітуть квітки зимою
І дерева не шумлять...
А обгорнені імлою,
Як мерці, вони стоять...
Як же ти, мій краю-квіте,
В час морозів вікових
Міг би квітнуть і шуміти
З-під наметів снігових?
Не кричать чайки зимою,
Не співають солов’ї...
Скуті кригою страшною,
Сплять озера і гаї.
Краю – чайко – соловію,
Як же міг би ти співать
І вперед іти в завію,
І других в дорогу звать?
Час мина... зима минає…
Все прокинеться від сну
І піснями привітає
Красне сонце і весну.
Як же ти, мій соловію,
Зможеш сонця не вітать?!
Як я можу, як я смію
В тебе, чулого, питать?

Меланхолія. Пройде час, настане весна... Пісні знову зазвучать, але композитор не наважується запитати – коли? Пісенний цикль закінчується одним із найчарівніших дуетів Степового.

Yakiv Stepovyi (1883 - 1921)

From Imperial choirboy to Soviet composer, much of the life story of Yakiv Stepovyi is lost in the historic upheavals that ravaged Ukraine in the 20th century. Even so, Stepovyi’s legacy of art songs, piano pieces, and other vocal works survives almost intact. It reveals a composer who could adapt to changes in politics, culture, and society. His eclectic preludes and other ephemeral piano pieces give way, after WWI, to revolutionary mass songs and arrangements for bandura, a lute-like Ukrainian folk instrument. But there was one constant in Stepovyi’s life: the art song. Each one is an uncompromising declaration of the composer’s artistic ideal. Stepovyi was one of the first modern Ukrainian composers to avoid the direct use of folk material. He sought to transform the traditional language of music into a new modernist idiom and thus create a new national identity.  

Yakiv Yakymenko (pseudonym Stepovyi) was born in the city of Kharkiv, in north-eastern Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire. His father was a poor, retired non-commissioned officer. In 1886, Yakiv’s older brother, composer Fedir Yakymenko (aka Theodore Akimenko), was sent to the Imperial Chapel as a choirboy. Nine years later, Yakiv joined him there in St. Petersburg. Within three years, Yakiv's voice broke, and he was forced to leave the choir. Somehow he managed to continue his music studies. A year later, in 1899, he composed the liturgical Cherubic Hymn, opus 1. Then, in 1902, Fedir arranged an interview for his younger brother with Alexander Glazunov and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Both Russian composers were so impressed with Yakiv’s talent that they allowed him to study part-time for free at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. The studies lasted for twelve years, until 1914, when Stepovyi finally graduated....

CD Box set

Yakiv Stepovyi the Art Songs
Sale Price:$28.00 Original Price:$35.00

The Ukrainian Art Song Project has been bringing Ukraine's musical treasures to light since 2004. With your support, we will continue to bring Ukraine's finest composers and their masterpieces to the world stage, where they belong.

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