As summer begins to fade and leaves change to autumn’s glorious display of vibrant colours, the Ukrainian Art Song Project sends you this gift of love ♪

We invite you to listen to a beautiful interpretation of:

Autumn in the Air ~ Осінню віє

Composer: Mykola Lysenko
Poet: Oleksander Oles

Robert Gleadow, bass
Albert Krywolt, piano


Осінню віє

Осінню віє… Весь світ, мов тюрма…
В коло гойдаються віти з журбою.
Більш ні привіту, ні ласки нема в світі широкому, Засланім млою. В серці останні дов’ялі квітки, Небо захмарено, осінню віє.
Пісні якоїсь десь тануть дзвінкі,
Хилються заміри, гаснуть надії.

Ця чудова, мелянхолійна вокальна мініятюра на-гадує знамениту “Осінню пісню” П. Верлена. Тут поет і композитор майстерно втілюють образи вмираючої природи, викликаючи почуття само-тності та суму.

Autumn in the Air
Translation: Maxim Tarnawsky and Uliana Pasicznyk

It feels like autumn… The whole world, like a prison,
The branches dance in a circle with worries.
There is no longer any welcome or mercy in the wide world Covered with darkness. In the heart the last flowers wither, The sky is cloudy, it feels like autumn.
The last sounds of a song melt unheard
Ambitions shrivel and hopes are extinguished.

A beautiful, melancholic vocal miniature, reminiscent of Verlaine’s famous “Chanson d’automne.” Here, both the poet and the composer masterfully capture the images of dying nature, evoking feelings of sadness and loneliness.

MYKOLA LYSENKO (1842–1912)

Mykola Lysenko is the father of modern Ukrainian classical music.  His prolific life’s work laid the foundation for the further development and expansion of Ukrainian musical culture. He influenced a large group of Ukrainian composers, including Stetsenko, Stepovyi, Leontovych, Koshyts, and Liudkevych. A compilation of Lysenko’s works in 22 volumes was published in Kyiv in 1950–59.

Lysenko was a composer, ethnomusicologist, pianist, and conductor. He studied at the Kharkiv and Kyiv universities and, later, at the Leipzig Conservatory under Reinicke and Richter (1867–69). From 1874 to 1876 he studied orchestration under Rimsky-Korsakov in St. Petersburg. In 1904, he founded his own School of Music and Drama in Kyiv.

The list of Lysenko’s operatic compositions includes Black Sea Cossacks (1872); three operas based on the works of the Ukrainian writer Mykola Hohol – Christmas Night (1873–82), The Drowned Maiden (1883) and Taras Bulba (1890); and the operettas Natalka from Poltava (1889) and Aeneas (1911).  Himself a well-known pianist, Lysenko composed a piano sonata, two rhapsodies, a suite, a scherzo and a rondo, as well as an abundance of smaller pieces, including songs without words, nocturnes, waltzes and polonaises. He also wrote a number of works for strings. Of the Ukrainian composers, Lysenko was the most committed to the art song genre. Lysenko’s 133 art songs (lirychni pisni in Ukrainian) relate a wonderfully descriptive and passionate story of 19th- and early 20th-century European life.


Mykola Lysenko the Art Songs
Sale Price:$48.00 Original Price:$60.00
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