Put art song in your heart…
enjoy this gift of love ❤︎

To the Ukrainian Art Song Project community celebrating Easter this weekend and to all who will be celebrating in May.

Щиро вітаємо Вас iз Великoднем!
Бажаємо радісних свят, смачної паски і душевного спокою. Хай Вас та Ваших близьких оминають хвороби і залишайтеся в доброму здоров'ї в ці складні часи.

Христос Воскрес! Воїстину Воскрес!

We wish you a blessed and peaceful Easter and the rebirth of spring. May you celebrate with delicious pasky and babky and beautiful pysanky. May you and your loved ones remain at peace and in good health.

Christ is Risen! Indeed He has Risen!

Peace in the World ~ Нині миру єсть спасеннє
by Stanyslav Liudkevych

Poem by Vasyl Pachkovsky

Performed by
Russell Braun, baritone
Carolyn Maule, piano

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Нині миру єсть спасеннє
Василь Пачовський

Нині миру єсть спасеннє
Христос іде на мученнє
Своїх вірних призиває.
Царство Боже обіщає.
Нині мертвих воскресеннє
Тяжким мукам ізціленнє
Не спіть вірні уставайте!
Христа Бога оглядайте!

Текст та мелодія цієї воскресної псальми походять з Київщини. У Людкевича релігійна псальма набирає рис романтичної п

Today salvation comes to the world
Christ is entering his suffering,
He calls his faithful to him
Promising them God’s kingdom.
Today the resurrection of the dead,
The end of their suffering.
Faithful, arise, do not sleep,
Behold, Christ is God.

The text and melody of this Easter psalm originates from the Kyiv region of Ukraine. Liudkevych’s arrangement is in the style of a Romantic song. The texture of the accompaniment is choral.

Stanyslav Liudkevych (1879-1979)

Liudkevych Stanyslav.jpg

Stanyslav Liudkevych first studied composition with his mother, a pupil of Mykhailo Verbytsky who wrote the music to Ukraine’s national anthem. While at university, Liudkevych was a pupil of Sołtys at the Lemberg Conservatory. Then in Vienna, he studied with Alexander Zemlinsky, Hermann Grädener, and Guido Adler; even attending Hugo Riemann’s lectures in Germany. In 1908, he succeeded Anatole Vakhnianyn as director of the Lysenko Institute. During World

War I, Liudkevych was drafted into the Austrian army. Captured by the Russians, he spent time in Kazakhstan as a prisoner of war. In 1919, he resumed work at the institute in Lviv. In 1936, Liudkevych became head of the musicological commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. From 1940 to 1972 he taught at the Lviv State Conservatory. Despite being a 20th-century composer, Liudkevych maintained a post-romantic palette that was later tempered by Soviet neo-folklorism. In fact, under the Soviet regime, his creative output dwindled. At one of the first meetings with the Communist Party in 1939, the composer is reputed to have quipped, “liberated [by the Communists]—there’s nothing one can do
about that…”

The Ukrainian Art Song Project has been bringing Ukraine's musical treasures to light since 2004. With your support, we will continue to bring Ukraine's finest composers and their masterpieces to the world stage, where they belong.

Проєкт "Українськa Мистецькa Пісня" поширює найкращі зразки української музики з 2004 року. З Вашою підтримкою ми продовжимо презентувати найкращих українських композиторів та їх шедеври, які належать до світової музичної спадщини.

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